Do you own a business that is open during a pandemic? Do you work for an essential service and are responsible for disinfection? Do you want to reduce the spread of viruses among your family members? Then you probably know the importance of disinfecting hard, non-porous surfaces!
But how do you know if you're disinfecting properly? Since Covid-19 and other viruses are invisible to the naked eye, it's best to know how to disinfect surfaces effectively. Here's how to use your (D-500) Hard, Non-Porous Surfaces Disinfectant & Animal Odor Neutralizer !
How to use Disinfectant for hard, non-porous surfaces and pet odor neutralizer
1. Dilute the product
Pour 100 ml of (D-500) Hard, Non-Porous Surfaces Disinfectant & Animal Odor Neutralizer into 900 ml of lukewarm water.
2. Pre-clean heavily soiled areas and remove debris.
Disinfectants are most effective when used on clean surfaces. We therefore recommend cleaning surfaces before disinfecting.
3. Spray product dilution onto hard, non-porous surfaces.
4. Leave surface wet for 10 minutes
It's important to respect the suggested contact time to obtain the desired result, i.e. 100% effective disinfection!
5. Then wipe clean with a paper towel or clean cloth.
6. Rinse with drinking water in certain situations
For daycare, school, hospital and home environments, a potable water rinse is recommended for hard, non-porous surfaces or objects that may come into direct contact with children of oral exploration age. A potable water rinse is also recommended for hard, non-porous surfaces or objects that may come into direct contact with food, such as countertops, eating and drinking utensils, and food processing equipment. Avoid contact with food.
General tips for good disinfection
The most frequently touched surfaces are the most likely to be contaminated. That's why you need to pay special attention to them, ensuring frequent and effective disinfection. For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), frequently touched surfaces in indoor public places should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a day, and more if possible. In households with children, frequently handled toys and objects should also be cleaned and disinfected daily.
Whether you're disinfecting surfaces at home, in a business or in an essential services facility, identify frequently touched surfaces and objects to ensure rigorous follow-up. These surfaces can include door handles, chair arms, tables, light switches, control levers for electronic equipment, water faucets, elevator buttons, stair railings, toilets and more.
The best way to disinfect surfaces depends on the product used. The instructions on your product label will give you valuable information on the appropriate way to use the disinfectant. You'll find that, depending on the context of use, the instructions may vary.
Some interesting facts about disinfection
What's the difference between cleaning and disinfecting a surface?
Cleaning removes dirt, while disinfection, using specialized products, kills microorganisms. That's why it's important to use a disinfectant, not just a cleaner.
Is your disinfectant effective against Covid-19?
Health Canada recognizes the effectiveness of several disinfectants available on the market. To inform the public about products that can be used to combat the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19), Health Canada has published a list of certified hard surface disinfectants. The products listed have an 8-digit DIN identification number. This number confirms that your disinfectant is approved and safe for use in Canada. For example, the DIN for Purodora Lab's Disinfectant for hard and non-porous surfaces and pet odor neutralizer is 02505525, so you'll find it in the list!
To effectively disinfect hard, non-porous surfaces, it's essential to start by selecting a quality disinfectant product, reading the manufacturer's instructions, and following the recommended usage steps based on the specific context. By adhering to these simple guidelines, you'll maintain a clean and safe environment, helping to prevent the spread of viruses!